"We need to pray before we play" girls.
Right - name of the father, son, and holy spirit. At which point, I went to say grace.
"Ms. Cooper, I couldn't find the definition anywhere. I looked for a long time on a LOT of websites, even Catholic ones."
"Did you try the text book?"
"No, I didn't think about that one."
"We're not going to be at basketball practice tomorrow. We need to go to the hairdresser."
"I have nothing nice to say, so I can't say anything."
{I have a feeling they will be at practice}
New rules implemented for the basketball team.
I made these as an executive decision without checking with the head coach figuring he wouldn't have an issue with either of them:
*You can not eat pizza or any food for the matter during a game on the bench
*You can not make phone calls from the bench in the middle of a game
Oh and the third rule resulted when our best player, in the middle of the game, leaned down the bench to ask what time it was. After asking if she had a hot date she said she needed to leave by 5:15. Okay not bad the game would be over by then. "Did you tell Mr. Flanagan you need to leave early?" No. "Okay so for future reference I'm going to ask that you never tell me in the middle of a game that you need to leave before it's over."
"Oh no, Ms. Cooper I would never do that." "But, you just did" "Oh...yeah! That's a fair rule"
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