Monday, December 22, 2014

Blinded by the Light

“Last night as I was praying, I lifted my head up, as it was buried in my arms, and I was blinded by the light,” he remarked. “I know the lights were dim but when you are hidden in darkness even the slightest ray of light can be overwhelming.” He drew an analogy to our lives explaining that our moments of weakness and occasions of sin darken our will and intellect, which can make our encounter with Truth jarring. Even when it is a soft, warm glow, there is a slight averting of the eyes as there is a necessary adjustment to the Light.  

The same is true when the Christmas lights come out. Initially it’s a shock. Sometimes that's because it’s October 29th but that’s a soapbox moment I can save for another day. Even when it’s the right time and season, the lights that sparkle the darkness can be overwhelming if they aren’t received as they are intended. Let us pray that the same is not true of the miracle of Christmas. 

This week, as we prepare for Christmas, as we sit at the cradle, let us prepare our hearts to receive the Light who has abolished the darkness. Let us prepare to see Him as He is. I don’t know about you but I know I see better after receiving the gift and grace of Confession. If you haven’t been a while, maybe now’s the time. Seriously – look at your calendar to make room for this priceless gift. God longs to extend His mercy to us. Let us receive the gift of Himself and His forgiveness by returning and waiting with joyful hope so that we may see Him as He is – small and vulnerable, waiting like a gentle man, longing to be loved, dependent on the hands who will care for Him.

Let us proclaim with Mary our boundless yes to receive His infinite goodness, light, and Love and to love Him in all we encounter!

Verso l’alto,
Kathryn Grace

O Love, make a way come and find us
Search the darkness light the way come and guide us home

Jesus sought me when a stranger,
wandering from the fold of God;
he, to rescue me from danger,
interposed his precious blood.
O to grace how great a debtor
daily I'm constrained to be!
Let thy goodness, like a fetter,
bind my wandering heart to thee.
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it,
prone to leave the God I love;
here's my heart, O take and seal it,
seal it for thy courts above.

**Scroll to find this song: NEVER ALONE***
My soul longs for love alone
So here I am never alone

Because Bruce is so close to getting it right  

Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Gift of God

"Yes, you don't belong to me," she cooed at the infant. "You are a gift from God on loan and someday you will return to Him. You are not mine," the new mother of three smiled at the infant who laid across her lap and the two toddlers who sat at the kitchen table. Maybe it was the grace and gift of adoption that gave her such clarity. 

Upon meeting a dear friend's mother,  I had thanked her and her husband for sharing their daughter with all those she blessed through her life as a religious sister. "You know when we left last time I spent a lot of time thinking about your comment. After some time, I realized she was never mine to give. She belongs to God," her mom remarked. I realized the understanding of gift is an integral element to parenthood. Moreover, it is an essential component in the life of a believer. 

As we approach the cradle, how have you prepared to receive the gift of Christ more fully this Christmas? Despair not, kids! We still have half of Advent to go. There is time to make room. There is an opportunity to wait with joyful hope. May we kneel at the manger this Christmas with joyful humility and boundless trust. Trusting the gift of Christ will satisfy the longings of our hearts. May you know the gift He is and the gift you are, made in His image and likeness, an unrepeatable miracle. Holy Spirit, guide us, shining bright. 

Fiat mihi, 
K. Coop 

​Venite! Venite! In Bethlehem ​

​That mourns in lovely exile here until the Son of God appear ​
​REJOICE! REJOICE! EMMANUEl. Shall come to thee O, Israel. ​

​There is just one thing I need​
All I want for Christmas is You

Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Mouthpiece

"We need to pray before we play" girls. 
Right - name of the father, son, and holy spirit. At which point, I went to say grace. 

"Ms. Cooper, I couldn't find the definition anywhere. I looked for a long time on a LOT of websites, even Catholic ones." 
"Did you try the text book?" 
"No, I didn't think about that one." 

"We're not going to be at basketball practice tomorrow. We need to go to the hairdresser." 
"I have nothing nice to say, so I can't say anything." 
{I have a feeling they will be at practice}

New rules implemented for the basketball team. 
I made these as an executive decision without checking with the head coach figuring he wouldn't have an issue with either of them: 
*You can not eat pizza or any food for the matter during a game on the bench 
*You can not make phone calls from the bench in the middle of a game 

Oh and the third rule resulted when our best player, in the middle of the game, leaned down the bench to ask what time it was. After asking if she had a hot date she said she needed to leave by 5:15. Okay not bad the game would be over by then. "Did you tell Mr. Flanagan you need to leave early?" No. "Okay so for future reference I'm going to ask that you never tell me in the middle of a game that you need to leave before it's over." 
"Oh no, Ms. Cooper I would never do that." "But, you just did" "Oh...yeah! That's a fair rule" 

Pierced by Goodness

Initially, I thought it was the combination of his icy blue eyes and chiseled jaw that pierced my heart. Upon further reflection, it was his goodness.

She’s depicted holding an infant; she’s portrayed cradling a crucified son. The child snuggled in her bosom is crowned with thorns. As he nestles against her, her heart is pierced.

He comes that we “might have life and have it in abundance” (Jn. 10:10). The Lord of hosts came as babe in a manger knowing he’d endure his crucifixion. He came to forgive us our sins and to offer us the Way to peace and joy in this life and the next. 

He came to incarnate Love so that we may be pierced by His goodness. 

Verso l’alto,
K. Coop

Did you know that your baby boy is heaven’s perfect Lamb?
That sleeping child you’re holding is the great I am.

Our finest gifts we bring
To lay before the King

I know You came to rescue me
This baby boy would grow to be
A man and one day die for me and you
My sins would drive the nails in You
That rugged cross was my cross, too
Still every breath You drew was Hallelujah